Confession: I often feel like I can’t keep up aaaaaand I suck at prioritizing.
This has to do with me feeling like I don’t have enough time. But as Amy Landino and Lauryn Evarts were saying on The Skinny Confidential podcast, titled “No, We Can’t Grab A Coffee: Organizing Your Time, Being Selective, Time Batching, & Calendar Prioritization”, we ALL have the time if we make the time, but it’s about how we prioritize.
That resonated with me. I have been getting better at prioritizing my personal goals and passion project in my 48 hours of “free time”. My weekends are so precious to me, as they are to everyone. I have notoriously said in the past “yes” to too many invitations that would get piled up on my weekends. Now I relish in just staying home. JOMO, folks. JOMO. Joy of Missing Out. I can find every excuse in the world to not leave my house on the weekends but ultimately, the thing that has finally got me buckled down is The Canvas Confessional.
I cannot make TCC work if I keep saying “yes” to invitations. I didn’t spend nearly enough time creating art or more content for my website last weekend. This is not because I didn’t have time. This is because I didn’t prioritize very well. Still learning, guys! I often let distractions come in. Does anyone else do this? We try and try to stay focused, making well thought out to-do lists, affirming with my significant other that THIS is what I NEED to get DONE today. Oh but wait….grocery shopping. Oh but wait….I have all these dresses to return to Free People in Studio City so I can get hundreds credited back to my Discover card. Oh but wait….I gotta make these chocolate chip pumpkin oatmeal cookies. Fuck you! No, you DON’T! I gotta do, I gotta make, I gotta go, I gotta gotta gotta. Shut the fuck up.
My boss/bff at my 9-5 job, Kim, is a MUCH more tolerable and kinder boss to me than I am to myself. One of my fears is that if I let up on myself, I’ll start to slack off. All these inspiring young and even not so young successful entrepreneurs and go-getters that I listen to (podcast) or read about (blogs, Instagram) work harder on prioritizing the thing that makes them tick. They rise above the challenges and the haters and they keep pushing themselves. I know that’s the formula I need to adhere to.
Do you guys have a formula?
How do you stay on track?
Seriously, I would love to know.